Information About Width

Being the actual manufacturers we can craft rings to your specified width. Please specify your width in milimeters, the trade's standard as it allows finest specifications. You may use the conversion table below to obtain the ring's width in militmeters if you are using the Imperial Measurements System.

Tip: 3mm is approximately the width of a standard matchbook-type. (A 6mm would equal 2 matches aligned side-by-side etc.)

Millimeters (mm) Inches ( " )   Millimeters (mm) Inches ( " )
1mm = 1/32" 9mm = just under 3/8"
2mm = just over 1/16" 10mm = just over 3/8"
3mm = just over 3/32" 11mm = 7/16"
4mm = just over 1/8" 12mm = just under 1/2"
5mm = 3/16" 13mm = just over 1/2"
6mm = just under 1/4" 14mm = just under 9/16"
7mm = just over 1/4" 15mm = just under 5/8"
8mm = 5/16" 16mm = 5/8"